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The Immigration Battle in Congress

The Immigration Battle in Congress

Posted By Pozo Goldstein, LLP || 28-Sep-2014

Image: BESTPIX -  John Boehner Holds Press Briefing At The Capitol If you listen to the Republicans, they are saying there is a better chance for an immigration overhaul if their party wins control of Congress in November. If they control both chambers, they would have a stronger negotiating hand with President Obama in hammering out a bill that would fix the Nation's immigration system.

Greater trust between the House and the Senate would go a long way to reaching consensus on a new Immigration Bill. Realizing that they must garner the Hispanic vote and minority vote for the election in 2016, Republicans will have incentive to pass some sort of immigration reform. A recent quote by Speaker Boehner is telling, "Our legal system is broken, our border isn't secure, and we've got the problem of those who are here without documents, Boehner said. "It needs to be fixed. We're a nation of immigrants. The sooner we do it, the better off the country would be."

The only issue is that with the Republicans taking the lead, immigration reform most likely will not include a path to citizenship. On a direct collision course with Congress is the President's promise to use executive action to change the immigration laws of our country. The immigration situation sharply divides conservatives and immigration advocates. Conservatives are of the opinion that any path to legality is amnesty and will take jobs and opportunities away from Americans. Immigrant advocates claim that immigration reform and a path to legalization will bolster the American economy and strengthen the brain power of the country.

The immigration issue is certainly heating up and the months to come will provide much drama.

Categories: Immigration News